Picking A Good One

We drove North West of the Chicagoland area today in search of some killer apples. I've never been apple picking before.... Funny enough, I was the only one in the car, my kids included, that could say that.
I pulled a chapter from the Obama presidency and gave a historic speech to the kids before they put their first ass-cheek in their seat. I was all: "If you love your country...if you love your fellow man...you'll stay buckeled...you'll respect your parents.....when daddy needs to hit the ABC store on the way, you'll offer him an extra quarter to help pay the liquor tax.....thow shalt not beat your sister!!!
Whatever mojo that speech created, sat well with kick-ass Macy:
And when we arrived...it was like a playground for my talented wifey to break out the camera and do her typical, but amazingly talented magic. Enjoy...I know I do. And I have to add...we will always love that midwestern sky... :

Reader Comments (7)
Now, there is one thing I miss about living in the Midwest. I've been trying to find an orchard around San Antonio w/ no luck. I would love to take my kids to go pick apples. My parents use to take us every fall just in time to get pumpkins too. Tell your wife I said she takes amazing photos!!Awesome. Love this post. It made me a little home sick(and that is hard to do!)
Glad it brought back good memories for you! Thanks for the props on the wifey's pictures - she's got some skills. We've got so many freakin' apples, let me know if you want me to staple some to a tree and FedEx it to you so your kids can pick them off ghetto-style.
This makes me want to take my 1 1/2 year old to one of our many local farms here in PA for a Pumpkin and some apples. Maybe a little closer to Halloween so we can go on the hayride.
Definitely....good memories...damn good memories
Your wife has some serious freaking talent! Gorgeous pictures. It doesn't hurt that your son looks like Opie - perfect for farm picking, apple picking shots.
Ha - thanks Lotta! Every time I see that kid I wanna start whistling that theme song and throw a fishing pole on my shoulder....
I may borrow your ghetto apple pick'n tree idea haha! Hopefully the staples will hold.