A Day In The Life Of Our Elf On The Shelf

Until a couple weeks ago I had no damn clue what an Elf on a Shelf even was.
Once I found out I figured, holy-leverage-over-the-kids’-awful-behavior-patterns-recently, it’s time for me to partake!
So, I ran out, bought the little shelf-bastard, and made it known “kids…Santa’s watching!!”
Then I kinda gave it no thought. Until a day ago when I noticed the little bastard wasn’t there anymore.
Instead, there was a note that read, “I can’t take it anymore…I…I just can’t!! Merry Christmas sickos!”
Scratching my head and trying to put the puzzle pieces together I noticed the dog chewing a tiny little book.
I immediately ran over and yelled, “DROP!!!”
Picking-up the drool-drenched book I immediately began to flip through it and quickly realized it was the Elf on the Shelf’s one day diary of his time in our house. In fact, he didn’t even make it a full day.
Here’s how it read:
Day 1. 5:13 a.m.
Dear Santa…did I really just see what I thought I saw. The dad just came downstairs, buck-naked, made a cup of coffee, got on the computer to announce he was going to go for a run then walked by me expelling some of the most horrific air ever!
Where are the happy children?
Day 1. 6:42 a.m.
“Drop, drop…DROP me damn it!!! He said ‘DROP!!’ Do what your master says and drop me!!!” That’s what I would have yelled at the dog if we were allowed to talk.
I’M NOT A PUPPET you stupid dog…..I’m an extension of Santa damn it!!!
Day 1 8:00 a.m.
OK, the boy’s gone to school and it’s just me and the daughter.
Day 1 8:11 a.m.
Elf on the Shelf does not get touched or dressed up for a tea party with Barbie!!!! Didn’t these rat-bastards read the book about me?!!! OK…sorry..I should not have spoken that way. I’m sorry Santa.
Day 1 10:42 a.m.
Awwww…the daughter has made me her “BFF.” She’s such a sweetie. Love little girls at this age.
Day 1 10:58 a.m.
I’m going to throw-up. Apparently the daughter picks random toy “best friends” to join her when going “boom boom” on the toilet.
How can something so tiny and innocent create smells so horrific?!!!?
Day 1 12:02 p.m.
Second kid’s gone to school. The two adults are working in their separate at-home offices. Dog is asleep. I’m so….so very exhausted.
This job seemed so much more glorious on the commercials and in the brochures.
Day 1 1:46 p.m.
Hey, very cool. Right on! The husband seems to be giving me a tour of the house! I shouldn’t have complained so quickly!
Day 1 1:48 p.m.
Hey, here’s the bedroom. Nice…they have a small, but pretty cool bedroom! I like it.
Day 1 1:49 p.m.
Wait!!! Wait!!! No!!!
The husband just told the wife, “hey, let’s see what Santa thinks of an afternoon quicky!”
Why are they doing this with me on the pillow next to them? Why…WHY!!!?
Day 1 1:53 p.m.
OK, that was sad. Really? Four minutes? Santa, I know what this guy wants for Christmas.
Day 1 2:01 p.m.
Do I look like a post-sex teddy bear to snuggle with? Oh you bad-breathed, bearded sicko…I want my mommy.
Day 1 2:21 p.m.
He finally woke up to shower and left me here on the bed and guess what? Yeah…the cat’s cleaning me like I’m some damn kitten.
Day 1 2:34 p.m.
I feel so dirty. All I want to do it strip naked and cry in a warm shower.
Day 1 3:11 p.m.
I think I passed out for a while. But now, I’m back on my shelf.
That was some horrific dream I just had.
Day 1 3:13 p.m.
Where in the hell is my left leg and why can’t I see out of my right eye? It wasn’t a dream was it!!! Oh my dear lord the dog is chewing on my detached leg. I think I’m going to be sick…
Day 1 4:20 p.m.
Hey, quick question.
What is a bowl and why would the husband be asking the wife if she thinks “the elf on the shelf could possibly work as a make-shift bowl?”
Day 1 4:21 p.m.
Just Googled “bowl” on the elf iPhone. I’m fucking outta here!!!!
And that’s it. That was all he wrote.
We’ll miss that little bastard. He was fun while we had him.
And hey, if you make it to the pole, tell the bearded fat man I want an iPhone.
Come on…I’ve been good this year…hook a brother up!!
Rock on Mr. Elf On The Shelf. We’ll always have your leg to remember you by.

Reader Comments (11)
Poor guy! But damn, I laughed so hard!
OMG, that was too funny!! I got a visual of the Elf Bowling elves.
Freaking hilarious! 4 minutes though? Come on...
This was funny. It was kinda wierd that the Elf on a Shelf had to witness the afternoon quickie. Do you often set household decor on the pillow next to you while you do the deed?
This is exactly why I wanted one and exactly why we can't have one. (Leverage and legless elfs don't mix). I'm going to go back to my fake phone calls to Santa. "You better brush your teeth or I'm calling Santa!" *plays with phone, pretends to be dialing*
Classic. Love the 4:20 entry!!!! I hate our Elf on the Shelf. I dont like the way he looks at me. He has weird eyes. Plus, I think I busted him peeing in my coffee. Sick little prick!
seriously genius!
Good God, you're a funny guy! Where the heck were you when I was 16 and shopping for the father of my children? Kidding, kidding. Anyway, great posts and equally funny tweets. With regards to my blogger role model it's now a tie between you and Ironic Mom.
That was friggin hilarious.
It's weird but, I think your Shelf Elf had Stewie Griffin's voice. Or was that just me?