One Year And Counting!

I’m still blown away by the fact that today is my blog’s first birthday.
To you…well, you’re probably twirling your finger in the air and rolling your eyes. At least my wife is.
Regardless, for me it’s a big deal.
I started this space of my ramblings in an effort to get my fingers pounding on the keyboard some more and to tap back into one of my absolute loves…..writing.
Pairing that up with my other devoted love – my family – seemed a win/win.
The only thing left was a good name. So, I did what any natural artist does and sucked back a few too many beers and chased them down with glasses of wine and walla!!!! The name Why Is Daddy Crying? was born.
Then I just sat back, lived my life and let the rest flow through the finger tips in the hopes just maybe a few of you kids would care enough to read.
The response I’ve gotten has been overwhelming at best. My readership is unreal to me. The comments I get make my day. The emails I randomly get from strangers humbles me. And the explosion of my Twitter and Facebook followers is daunting.
THANKS! Thanks for reading, making me laugh, sharing your stories, and for revealing the fact that it truly does take a village to raise a child. Even if that child is me.
But an anniversary wouldn’t be a true anniversary if I didn’t reflect. So…here are my top 10 favorite blog posts of mine over the past year. I really hope you’ll take a couple minutes and read and pass along to others who might enjoy them.
My top 10 favorite blog posts over the past year:
1) Because of this post alone, I’m notorious for hating the damn Snuggie. And I followed it up with this lovely post about a Snuggie family gone wrong.
2) The BP oil spill got me angry, but also had me wondering if I could offer any help. So, I lent a hand by creating this list of the top 10 things BP should shove up its leaky oil pipe.
3) Sometimes I like to give some handy advice. So, I created a commercial much like the drug commercials on TV so that I could inform parents how they know they’re experiencing children.
4) I would totally and utterly suck as a terrorist and here are the reasons why. This one’s complete with a horrifying picture.
5) I have had many discussions with wife over the past year. On this particular day we discuss pointy bras.
6) I’ve gotten to meet, interact with, and fight with some of the greatest people. Take in this epic online one-liner battle with Twitter's @ieatmykidzsnack:
7) One of the most humbling moments of my writing days was when JC Little of Little Animation reached out and did this animated short based on my blog. Check it out!
8) Here’s a quick jaunt down memory lane as I remember the days I’ve spent with my weiner.
9) And then for a little bit I got serious. This post marks the beginnings of one of the lowest points in my life where I lost my job.
10) And last, here’s a post where I show some family love to my brother by revealing how much I love that he affectionately calls his children “fuck trophies.”
I’m missing oh so much more, but these are some of my favorites.
Thanks for the ride so far. I hope everyone keeps reading and sharing the love!

Reader Comments (17)
Congratulations on your one year anniversary. You helped influence the construction of my own Blog.
-->The interaction with @ieatmykidzsnack on twitter is some of the funniest stuff I've read. She's a riot.
Happy one year too!
I recently found your wonderful site and so happy that I did. Congratulations on your success, and here's to anothe great year!
Being a new reader of your blog - That was AWESOME!
I got the top 10 all in one day - all were great.
Pointy Bras - LMAO
Happy Blog Birthday - I'm hooked.
Happy 1 year. Great writings. You are truly a joy to read. Very expressive and heartfelt in a humorous and whimsical manner. Outstanding. Thanks for sharing.
Have you really only been blogging for one year?!? I don't believe it.
Normally I'm against animal cruelty, but your tears have made me laugh so much over the past year. So....thanks!
And I'm really proud to have made the top ten with the little film. What craziness are we going to do next, huh?
Happy Bloggaversy baaaby, got your on my screeeeeen... Ok yeah that's way more cheesier than it sounded in my state of sleep deprived psychosis .. Whatever.. You get the point, I sing, I dance, I slip into a state of narcolepsy , the day is yours, may all your snuggies appear as french maid outfits, and may all your children fail to kick you in the nuts ( again).
Happy anniversary! Your top 10 posts are great. My fav has to be the one with @ieatmykidzsnack. She totally freaking rawks with the one-liners. *lol*
Keep up the great writing dude!
Happy anniversary assjacket. I'm pretty certain you're naked with an open bottle of champale toasting your computer screen. FYI even though the little teeny tiny hole is a port it is NOT for your member.
I am so happy to have been a part of your experience. You make me a better writer and fuck it, I'm a better person for knowing you. Also, I challenge you to another battle someday my friend ;)
Happy 1 year blogaversary! Here's to many.. many more!
Happy blogiversary! Thanks for all the giggles and fun reads. :) Here's to many more years of great stories and a happy healthy family to write about.
Love it and keep them coming :)
I heart you.
You're full of awesome bitch. Love ya. Blah blah blah. Congrats on making it a year without losing your balls.
Congrats on blogging for one year! :) It's been almost 4 years for me - and I love it so much still!
Happy Blog anniversary! Yay! I didn't realize your blog was only one. It's a toddler. It seems more like a teenager, as far as how developed it is!