I Got Interviewed!

A few days ago I got a kick-ass email from Ms. Sarah Fader (@Osnsmom on Twitter.)
She said, “I want to Q & A you dude!!”
How in the hell could I say no?
So, I plowed through some questions, dug through a few digital albums of photos, and here we have it, my response to her questions.
I hope you enjoy, learn more about this brother, and start following her badass blog!

about me,
questions and answers

Reader Comments (5)
I'm so excited....(Cue music) and I just can't hide it...
Not to mention that your "A's" in the "Q and A's" are hilarious!
Love love loved the interview! I'm so excited that I've found a new amazing site to read while attempting to look busy at work. Excellent...:)
I loved doing an interview experiment when I first started was fucking awesome.
I found your blog through this Q & A, I read a few of your most recent posts and then hightailed it to the begining. I love your writing style. You had me roaring with laughter all night. I stayed up way to late reading the contents of your archive.
You owe me BIG TIME bub.