The Call & Repeat

I've written before about how our family has a "safety call." Actually it's just a reason for us to be obnoxious in public.
If we can't find each other we just simply scream "cuhcaw!!!" at the top of our lungs until the other person yells it back.
But recently I've taken it upon myself to create a "party call." You know, when you're on the dance floor and some dude is all "oooha oooha," and then everyone repeats it back to him.
Well, no matter where I am with the kids, they seem incapable of not repeating that sound back when I make it.
I give you, Exhibit A:
I'm Insane...So I make My Kids Insane from WhyIsDaddyCrying on Vimeo.

Reader Comments (10)
This made me laugh! My kids started repeating you too which made me laugh even more! Thanks for sharing this!
Hilarious. It was like some kind of National Geographic documentary actually...fasinating! Got them trained well.
It is your JOB to make your kids insane. Otherwise, who will pay all the therapists when they grow up?
Thanks for the laugh. :)
Way too funny! I loved it!
Macy looks like her mom in this video and that ooha is awesome.
Well done! I love that they repeat it back every single time, and they are so psyched about it!
My wife and I use whistles to find each other in crowded stores. Recently, my two-year-old, has been imitating that sound when she wants either of us. I should come up with a party sound as well!
That was very funny - oooah oooah ......
LMAO. You're Awesome!