A Glimpse Into The "Woman Bible"

Last week I put my manhood on the chopping block and provided a small glimpse into the “Man Bible.”
I received a humbling and positive response from many of the married ladies out there for revealing the drive behind their loving husband’s caveman-like antics.
The only problem is the dudes out there were a bit outraged. I apparently broke a huge man-code by revealing this bound gaggle of typed words by which we live and breathe as men.
I was promptly informed by a “Man-Committee” that I had exactly five days to right my wrong.
So, I started racking my brain. I thought long and hard….
And that’s when it hit me!
If’ there’s a Man Bible…there’s GOT to be a Woman Bible.
I leapt from the toilet my thinking chair and immediately ran into the bedroom and began ransacking the wife’s dresser.
Bras, panties, pajamas, and barrettes all went flying in the air as I frantically searched. I found nothing.
I plowed through her jewelry, make-up, and lingerie. Nothing.
Then it hit me. She’d put it where I would never go in a million years.
In the box of Tampons!!
One minute later I had in my hand a small, pink book, smelling of perfume, tampons, and estrogen.
After giving two quick chest bumps to thank baby Jesus above, I threw myself to the floor to start tearing through it page by page.
So…in an effort to make things right in the world again. I give you snippets from the “Woman Bible:”
Page 33, Part C – When walking by your husband act as though he does not exist. DO NOT make eye contact or let him catch your eyes landing on ANY part of his body. Men can feel your sight and will immediately interpret any look as though you want to have sex right then and there.
If by accident you get caught looking at your husband immediately implement Page 743, Part A – Spontaneously having your period out of convenience.
Page 528, Part DD, Section 1,290,473 – At the end of the day you’re going to want to remove your bra to let “the girls” relax. Learn to do this without removing your shirt if your husband is near.
Regardless he will think the act of removing your bra means you want to have sex. However, keeping your shirt on through the process reduces his immediate erection and spastic lunge to mount you by 11.8%.
Page 1, Part A – You will spend the remaining time as a wife deflecting your husband’s hands from groping your breasts and buttocks. When your wife term is over you will be as skilled as a ninja warrior.
Page 69, Part T, Section 2 – It is extremely important that you consistently move things around the house so that YOU are the only one that knows where they are. While your husband will display extreme frustration with never knowing where anything is, it will reveal a calm, yet strong demand you have over the house.
Page 33 – Every naturally born woman has within her the ability to shrink a man’s testicles into pin-sized pellets with just one vicious look. This look CANNOT be taught. Know that it exists within you. Explore your inner self and you will one day find “the look.” You will know when you have found it…and so will your husband.
Page 189, Part F, Section 8 – Your boobs are magic. No matter how small or large they are, you will find they entice your husband to do many unwelcoming things. Bending over at the right time to pick something up revealing just enough boob will immediately drain blood from the husband’s brain leaving him senseless and unable to say “no.”
But be careful not to give it all away. Never let him see the entire boob…but just enough.
OK. That’s all I’m able to share.
However, for $199.99 an hour, endless amounts of Newcastle, and a letter from my wife promising to show me her whole boobs completely uncovered and I’ll gladly share with you the rest of the Woman Bible.
Just shoot me an email and we’ll make it happen!