Mommy, Where Do Babies Come From?

The other day the fam and I were driving along when the boy dropped the bomb of all bombs.
No, not the bomb he dropped yesterday when he said: “Macy, do you smell something?”
Macy: “No, why?”
Grayson: “Cause I just farted and it’s horrible.”
No, not that bomb, although, that little interaction does illustrate the truth that girls are soooo much smarter than little dudes.
Here’s what I mean.
So, we’re driving along and it’s quiet, which means either there’s some pontification going on, or all holy hell is about to break loose.
This is when pontification reared its ugly head.
Grayson: “Mommy, are you going to have another baby?”
The Wife: “No honey, it’s not possible. I mean, your daddy and I feel that our family is complete with just Macy and you.”
Grayson: “No, I mean, just say you wanted another baby, you would have to re-marry someone, right?”
At that point the wife looks at me and I immediately go into “Look As Though Traffic Is Horrible And You’re Trying To Plow Your Way Through So You Don’t Have To Engage In Conversations With Your Children About Where Babies Come From” look.
Macy: “Grayson!!! Baby’s come from a seed in the mommy’s belly, silly!!”
Grayson: “Macy!! Shhhh. Seriously mommy, if you wanted another baby you’d re-marry someone, right?”
The Wife: “No honey, I would have another baby with your father, but we have decided that we don’t want to expand the family any further. We love Macy and you and our family is perfect!”
Macy: “Grayson, you’re so silly!!! Babies come from seeds in the mommy’s belly. They grow from there.”
Grayson: “Well how do the seeds get there?”
Macy: “I don’t know.”
Grayson: “Mommy?”
The Wife: “Have you been working on your spelling words today Grayson? Cause you have a review test on Friday!”
Grayson: “How does the seed for babies get into the mommy’s belly?”
At this point I’m pulling close to the guy driving in the next lane, motioning for him to roll down his window in the hopes I can sell him on letting me climb into his car for safety.
The Wife: “We’re not going to have anymore brothers or sisters for you kids to let’s rock-out to some Barenaked Ladies!!! Turn it up Dad!!”
Me: “Sounds good!!”
As I turn up the radio…..
Grayson: “I know what you’re doing. At some point I still want to know how the seed gets in the mommy’s belly! I won’t forget that question!”
We have no idea how the girl knew babies come from a “seed.” I’m just glad she doesn’t know how the seed gets there, otherwise I’d have to put on my biker outfit and go stomp some ass somewhere.
But regardless, I’m ready for the boy to bring it back-up so I can tell him where babies come from.
“Son, babies happen when the mommy slips and falls on the ground and the daddy goes to help her up, then slips and falls on top of her. When they get back up the mommy has a seed in her belly and 9 months later a baby is born.
“Now who wants ice cream?!!!”