My Little Rat Bastards

We can’t have nice things and we all might as well be naked.
Anyone with kids knows this fact. Nothing is sacred anymore.
Peeing at the toilet—you might as well be peeing at half court during the NCAA tournament.
Furniture—globs of dried snot, food, and baby jesus knows what else all over it. Yeah, you want to come visit me now don’t you?
Car—it looks like a muddy soccer game took place while a Crayola factory exploded inside my Nissan.
Nothing’s off limits with these damn kids.
The daughter’s just a messy beast.
She’s broken long-standing records of being able to completely trash a room at mach speed. Sunday morning the wifey was busy defending herself from my quest for morning sex while we continued to hear the pitter-patter of the daughter’s feet back and forth between her room and downstairs.
When I finally surrendered and decided to go make coffee I walked down stairs only to find a massive doll house, two baby doll cribs, five Zhu Zhu pets and two dozen stuffed animals being read-to by my daughter, and what looked like the biggest cat-fight between a gaggle of Barbies strewn all over the couch. Oh, and she apparently had “breakfast cooking for us” on the toy stove, refrigerator, and sink that was set up in the middle of the room. All toys she gathered from her room and the basement into our living room.
The boy is a damn disgusting, snot-filled tornado.
When he has a cold he refuses to breathe through his mouth so all you hear snot being shuffled around in his nose as bubbles randomly escape. He loves to crawl on the floor of public places; go under tables at dinner; touch nasty, dirty things laying on the ground; and every one of his shirts and coats have crusted sleeves from constantly rubbing them along his nose.
And unfortunately he inherited the profound skill of being able to just flat-out break shit. When I was dating the wifey in high school, I broke lamps, chairs, tables, dishes and so much else at her mother’s house.
The finest example of my son’s skill I can provide are these three lovely trophies sampled from the boy’s trophy collection.
This baseball trophy used to sport one kick-ass bat that actually made t-ball look like the manliest sport ever invented.
I loved this bobble-head soccer didn't even survive the car ride home before his head sprung out of joint making him look like Rain Man trophy.
This Pele-looking bad ass flying through the air to score the deciding game-winning goal lost his foot a while back. We have it in a baggy sitting next to the trophy in the boy's room.
But I wouldn’t have them any other way. Despite seeing the girl licking the window on the train heading into the city… Despite the boy picking up a lonely discarded M&M along the street and eating it… Despite the fact every time you tickle my daughter she sounds like a Whoopee cushion going off… Despite the fact my boy won’t let me see him naked, but every time I pee he’s right there staring… I wouldn’t change a damn thing about them.
They’re disgusting, dirty, hilarious and beautiful. They’re my rat bastard kids.