If You Blog And Start To Meet People

So today’s post will be based off the ever popular, “If you give a mouse a cookie.”
If you don’t know it, my bad…you’ll catch on pretty quick to the flow. If you do know it…I feel your pain, although, it is a damn good story.
So…here we go:
If You Blog And Start To Meet People
If you blog and start to meet people in your town,
They might learn you’re a complete douchebag.
And if they learn you’re a complete douchebag,
They might look at your wife kind of funny.
If they look at your wife kind of funny,
She might say, “I try but just look at the way he drools!”
And if they look at the way you drool,
They might say, “Awwww….I bet he’s really cute when he’s asleep!?”
And if they think you’re kind of cute when you’re sleeping,
They might also think you don’t pass gas and kick your left leg uncontrollably.
And if they think you have self control they might also think you’re dad of the year,
And if they think you’re dad of the year,
They might nominate you for some fancy award and a ticker-tape parade,
And if shards of paper are falling all around you while people say “dad of the year,”
You might check your medication,
And if you check your medication you’ll notice you’ve over medicated yourself,
And if you’ve over medicated yourself you’ll realize you’ve actually fallen asleep with the paper shredder over your head again,
And if you’re fallen asleep with the paper shredder over your head again,
You might use the scraps to invite people over for drinks,
And if you invite people over for drinks you might start talking too damn much,
And if you start talking too damn much you might spill the beans about your blog,
And if you start to spill the beans about your blog well…
People might start to learn you’re a real douche!!