A Letter On Bondage To My Son's Future Wife

Dear Grayson’s Future Wife:
I’d like to start this rambling batch of mess off with a big “I’m sorry!!”
Actually, I don’t really know why I’m apologizing. Your husband’s the one that really screwed it all up for you!
Let me start from the beginning.
It was a Fall day.
Grayson’s mother-dearest was working from home and it was a holiday which means your fella and his sister, were home taking full advantage of unsupervised hell-raising.
Much quietness fell upon the house.
This was followed by loud banging, crashing….and yes, crying.
Your man’s mom ran down the stairs to find her daughter wrapped in clear masking tape around her ankles, wrists, and waist.
Words flew. An understanding was reached. In short – no more bondage activities were to “EVER” take place again.
An hour passes and again the wife questions the quietness of the house.
Scared out of her mind to go in search of her offspring, she continues to work with a keen-ear to the sky.
Moments later there comes a predicted slam to a wall, followed by the horrific screaming of the boy.
Leaping from her chair she runs towards the sounds of death only to find your dear husband bound by his ankles and wrists with masking tape. His head was resting uncomfortably against the wall.
“I tried to leap the first step mom but I missed and my head slammed into the wall,” was what the dear boy muttered to the wife.
Ten minutes later she managed to finish un-wrapping your husband from his sadistic bondage get-up before calling me.
I immediately suggested she take him to the ER just to make damn sure his claimed “fuzzy eye-sight and muffled hearing” were just an effort to instigate the wrath of our parenthood punishment on the daughter for wrapping the boy up.
After sitting in the ER for an hour your husband’s mother was met with a doctor laughing his ass off as he read the chart detailing why his next “patient” was sitting before him still chaffed from where the tape was ripped off his skin.
The day ended with Grayson properly scared out of his mind and assuring us repeatedly that he’d “never tie anyone up again for the rest of his life!”
So this is why I write to you today.
This is why your dear husband has not and will probably never come home with silk wrist and ankle ties from your favorite naughty store.
This is why your bed posts will remain unscathed from crazy feel-good games.
But hey, he does enjoy getting tickled, warm chocolate milk, and announcing to the entire room when he’s gotta go “boom boom.” So, there’s that!
Better luck in your next lifetime.
Grayson’s Dad