The Boy Shaves His Head To Raise Money For Cancer Research

This past Saturday, my boy walked up to an empty chair surrounded by gawkers and one giddy hairdresser donning nothing but a pair of sheers, and sat down.
Three minutes later he sat bald, surrounded by his beautiful red hair mixed with a sea of brown, blonde, and black hair.
My son raised $1,350 for St. Baldrick’s Foundation – one of the leading children’s cancer research organizations in the world.
His fundraising promise?
That he would sit amongst thousands of other kids and adults around the country on Saturday and have his head shaved to pay respect for the millions who currently struggle, who have lost, and who have won the battle against cancer.
His involvement in this was all his idea and of course we were overwhelmingly supportive.
Thank you to all who donated money.
Some were family, some were friends, some were people on Twitter I’ve never met and only know by the “@” in front of their names.
But we’re all unfortunately bonded by the global battle that is fighting cancer.
And we thank you.
And now…the pics and photos!!!
So, here we have a brave little stud-muffin just one hour before he was to get scalped. When I took this photo eight teenage girls with hair well past their shoulders were getting completely shaved.
And now…the video of the boy going under the sheers…
Grayson's Head Shave for St. Baldrick's To Support Children's Cancer Research from WhyIsDaddyCrying on Vimeo.
Thanks again to everyone!