I Refudiate You!!

A few days ago the one and only Sarah Palin decided to patriotically step outside the English language and start creating her own words. She flat out “refudiated” the hell out of a proposed Ground Zero 13-story, $100 million Mosque to be constructed.
Ok…so Ground Zero sentiments can definitely knock us off our game enough to allow us to make up stupid words. So let’s all apologize, laugh about it and move on.
No…Not Ms. Palin. No…she adjusts her balls and goes another step further and covers-up her made-up word by comparing herself to…..Shakespeare!!
The master of the English language and storytelling. Yes…the man himself. Mr. Shakespeare is who Palin compares herself to.
But it’s OK. Fortunately I have an open mind and decided you know what? If “refudiated” is possibly Shakespearian, then damn it…I’m going to start using it.
So….here’s what’s going to happen. I’ve poured a nice full stout and will now use “refudiated” in a number of sentences, and then I will ask you Dear Reader, to please use “refudiated” in your own sentence in the comments of this blog post.
Me: “Hey uh…I’m gonna go put the kids to bed, why don’t you ‘refudiate’ yourself in the basement and I’ll be there shortly?”
Grayson: “But dad, I just ‘refudiated’ Macy, I had no clue it would do that to her!!!!”
Macy: “Aaaawwww…I don’t wanna ‘refudiate’ my room dad!!! Geeze!!!”
Wifey: “Did you forget to ‘refudiate’ the toilet again Grayson?”
Me at Work: “Hey, I’m going to need you to take this and ‘refudiate’ it immediately!”
Me Driving: “Nice!!! Real freakin’ nice!!! Go ‘refudiate’ yourself why don’t ya!”
The Wife & I Having Relations: “Please tell me you did NOT just ‘refudiate’ that quickly!!”
It is pretty damn universal! So hey, why don’t you try now! Leave a comment using the word “refudiate” and lets see what you’ve got!