Feeling A Bit Nostalgic

So I’m feeling a bit nostalgic.
I loved the job I had in Virginia. I loved its purpose. I loved the people.
There were over 100 employees and I knew them all and they all knew me. From janitorial to the CEO – I was comfortable with them all. And I rocked that fucking job.
But things change as they always do. And, well – my time was up. I needed to move on and I did. I moved to Chicago for the job I held for 18 months before being let go for budget cuts.
And I don’t regret it for a second. I just miss the job, but more importantly—the people.
So – my last day of work they threw me a bash. And some kick-ass folks put together this video documenting some of my stupidity over the past eight years. Some of it’s filled with inside jokes. But in short:
- Yes I met Hal Holbrook and Dixie Carter
- Yes I got to “play” the Easter Bunny on year for a holiday event.
- Yes I met, had a great conversation with, and headed up a major PR event for the great Tony Bennett.
- Yes, I landed us on the front page of the Arts section of the New York Times.
- Yes, I got to learn from the best when it came to marketing and public relations, and later be given the lead in opening a $30 million museum wing—successfully.
- Yes I have a massive head, gap-tooth, and affinity to flash my middle finger at the most inappropriate time.
- Yes, I made some kick-ass amazing friends, colleagues…
And so…a glimpse into a great, significant part of my career and life. I can’t wait to see what lies ahead, and what memories I’ll be making for those future “good luck” videos.
Job Memories from on Vimeo.