It's Fantasy Father's Day Time

So Sunday’s our big day dudes!! This is it…our time to shine. Our time to throw our chests out like we’re the hardest working hooker on the block.
It’s Father’s Day!!
For some reason I always get my hopes up for this holiday - like a kid before Christmas. I imagine it being an epic holiday and find myself getting more and more jazzed as the day approaches. Then…well, the reality of fatherhood slaps me in the face.
Here. Let me illustrate for you. Take a gander at my fantasy Father’s Day versus the real Father’s Day.
Fantasy Father’s Day
Wake up to a warm, naked wife with freshly brushed teeth kissing me while her hands wander about under the sheets.
Reality Father’s Day
Son with ass-breath standing inches from my face saying, “DADDY!!! Wake-up daddy! I’m hungry. Can I have breakfast pplllleeeassse!!!?”
Fantasy Father’s Day
Wake up from post-sex morning nap to find my wife handing me a warm cup of coffee and the Sunday Times. She says, “hey, I’m gonna take the kids to the grocery store, why don’t you go for a nice long run, take a shower, then I’ll give your feet and legs a good rub-down.”
Reality Father’s Day
Walk downstairs to a destroyed kitchen with cat puke on the floor. Step on one of my daughter’s Zhu Zhu Pets, find there’s no more cream in the refrigerator, and roll my eyes as I answer the boy’s same question six times in a row.
Fantasy Father’s Day
Walk downstairs after my foot-rub and my living room is filled with all the top dudes in my life, a keg, and golf on the big screen TV!
Reality Father’s Day
I don’t get a run in, the kids refuse to eat their breakfast and start breaking down when I click off their favorite TV channel.
Fantasy Father’s Day
Golf’s over and a party van rolls up in front to the house to pick up the dudes and me. Once inside we realize all the wives got baby-sitters and we’re all gonna rip Chi-Town up for the night!
Reality Father’s Day
The girl pee’s herself, the boy’s hamster has escaped, and the wife “really wants to take advantage of that sale at Kohl’s tonight.” I open the refrigerator to find only one beer and it’s a damn Milwaukee’s Best and we’re out of wine.
While my fantasy Father’s Day would be bad-ass…I admit, I’d take the reality Father’s Day any day because without it, I wouldn’t have earned the right to stick my chest out in pride that day.
I’m just kidding…Give me the Fantasy Father’s Day!!! It’s just one day I’m asking for!!
Happy Father’s Day dudes!!!