Passing Notes With The Boy

Recently I was making the boy’s lunch when I thought about the picture I’d drawn with him which now lives on the back of his bedroom door.
He’d tossed a piece of paper in front of me while saying “daddy, just draw whatever and I’ll draw it next!”
So, I drew. And this is what I came up with.
From that point on, “puffy leaf floaty guy” became a staple in the house.
I’d draw him on their arms cause “I want a tattoo like yours daddy.”
I’d draw him on pieces of paper and randomly leave leaf the puffy dude somewhere for the kids to find.
Then, it hit me one fine coffee-aroma-filled morning.
“Golly gee gosh darn-it! I should totally draw the boy a picture for his lunch box!”
So, I did.
And, he did something completely unexpected…the little bastard wrote back.
So, like a tiny puppy given his treat for the first time I started wagging my tail obliviously knocking things off tables and the next morning, I did it again!
And he wrote back!
The third time I drew the cat from this awesome animated shorts called “Simon’s Cat” which my kids love.
And he wrote back!
Then, the boy schooled the hell out of me.
Yesterday I sketched out this quick little motivating message as a small pat on the boy’s back in the middle of his day.
And what does he do? He out-draws me with his version of himself "rocking."
It’s my first experience being one-upped by the boy. He “out-creativelyed” me. (Yeah, I just made that word up.)
And I guess I’m cool with it, but it kinda stings a little.
I’m the creative, out-of-the-box, shock-value funny one in the family damn it!!
But, then I realize what an awesome thing a sense of humor is in life. And, if he’s going to have a sense of humor I would want it to be unique and creative.
So, bring it on my man. I’m ready to up-my-game in the note passing arena!
Let’s do this!